All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractLocalLoader |
An abstract local loader implementation.
AbstractResourceLoader |
An abstract resource loader implementation.
AliasModuleSpec |
A module specification for a module alias.
ArtifactCoordinates |
Maven artifact coordinate specification.
AssertionSetting |
The assertion setting for a package or class.
ClassDefiner |
A hook for frameworks which need to define additional classes to a module's class loader.
ClassFilter |
Filter used to determine whether a class name should be included or excluded from imports and exports.
ClassFilters |
Static factory methods for class filter types.
ClassifyingModuleLoader |
A module loader which selects a delegate module loader based upon the prefix of the module name.
ClassSpec |
A class definition specification.
ClassTransformer |
A class file transformer which operates on byte buffers.
ConcreteModuleSpec |
A Module specification for a concrete module implementation.
ConcurrentClassLoader |
A classloader which can delegate to multiple other classloaders without risk of deadlock.
DelegatingModuleLoader |
A module loader which searches its finders first, and then delegates to another loader if the module is not found.
DependencyInfo |
Information describing a dependency.
DependencySpec |
A dependency specification that represents a single dependency for a module.
DependencySpecBuilder |
The base class of dependency specification builders.
DependencyTreeViewer |
A dependency tree viewer utility.
FactoryPermissionCollection |
A permission collection which lazily instantiates the permission objects on first use.
FileSystemClassPathModuleFinder |
A module finder which loads modules from individual JARs or directories on the file system, supporting the JAR specification headers
as well as the extended MANIFEST headers supported by JBoss Modules.
ImmediatePermissionFactory |
A permission factory which simply holds a permission object.
IterableLocalLoader |
A local loader which can enumerate its contents.
IterableModuleFinder |
A module finder which is iterable.
IterableResourceLoader |
A resource loader which has the ability to enumerate its contents.
JarModuleFinder |
JDKModuleFinder |
JDKModuleLogger |
JLIClassTransformer |
A wrapper around a ClassFileTransformer .
LoadedPermissionFactory |
A permission factory which instantiates a permission with the given class name.
LocalDependencySpecBuilder |
A local dependency specification builder, which includes a module's own content or some other, external content.
LocalLoader |
A loader which implements the local part of a module.
LocalLoaders |
Static factory methods for various types of local loaders.
LocalModuleFinder |
A module finder which locates module specifications which are stored in a local module
repository on the filesystem, which uses module.xml descriptors.
LocalModuleLoader |
A local filesystem-backed module loader.
Main |
The main entry point of JBoss Modules when run as a JAR on the command line.
MavenArtifactUtil |
Helper class to resolve a maven artifact.
MavenResolver |
A resolution strategy for Maven artifacts.
ModularAgent |
The modular agent entry point.
ModularPermissionFactory |
A permission factory which instantiates a permission from a module.
ModularProtectionDomain |
A protection domain which has a (modular) class loader but whose dynamicity is selectable.
Module |
A module is a unit of classes and other resources, along with the specification of what is imported and exported
by this module from and to other modules.
ModuleClassLoader |
A module classloader.
ModuleClassLoader.Configuration |
An opaque configuration used internally to create a module class loader.
ModuleClassLoaderFactory |
A producer for Module class loaders.
ModuleDependencySpec |
A dependency specification on a module.
ModuleDependencySpecBuilder |
A builder for dependency specifications that refer to other modules.
ModuleFinder |
A locator for module definitions.
ModuleIdentifier |
ModuleInfo |
Management information about a module instance.
ModuleLoader |
A repository for modules, from which a module may be loaded by identifier.
ModuleLoaderMXBean |
An MXBean for getting runtime information about a module loader.
ModuleLoadError |
Module load error, thrown when there is some problem loading a module during runtime.
ModuleLoadException |
Module load exception, thrown when there is some problem loading a module.
ModuleLogger |
A simple Logger abstraction.
ModuleNotFoundException |
Module not found exceptions are thrown when no module loaders can locate a module which fulfills a given module
ModuleSpec |
A Module specification which is used by a ModuleLoader to define new modules.
ModuleSpec.AliasBuilder |
A builder for new alias module specifications.
ModuleSpec.Builder |
A builder for new concrete module specifications.
ModuleXmlParser |
A fast, validating module.xml parser.
ModuleXmlParser.ResourceRootFactory |
A factory for resource roots, based on a root path, loader path, and loader name.
MultiplePathFilterBuilder |
A builder for a multiple-path filter.
MXParser |
Absolutely minimal implementation of XMLPULL V1 API
NamedClassLoader |
A class loader that may be named.
NativeLibraryResourceLoader |
A base class for resource loaders which can load native libraries.
NoopModuleLogger |
ObjectProperties |
A Hashtable variant which keeps property names in order, for use by MBean ObjectName s.
ObjectProperties.Property |
A single property in a properties list.
PackageSpec |
A specification for a package to define.
PathFilter |
Filter used to determine whether a path should be included or excluded from imports and exports.
PathFilters |
Static factory methods for path filter types.
PathUtils |
General helpful path utility methods.
PermissionFactory |
A factory for Permission objects.
PermissionsXmlParser |
A simple parser for enterprise-style permissions.xml files.
PhantomReference<T,A> |
A reapable phantom reference with an attachment.
PreMain |
An initialization task which is run before the application's main method.
Reaper<T,A> |
A cleaner for a dead object.
Reference<T,A> |
An enhanced reference type with a type-safe attachment.
Reference.Type |
A reference type.
References |
A set of utility methods for reference types.
Resource |
ResourceLoader |
A loader for resources from a specific resource root within a module.
ResourceLoaderInfo |
Information about a resource loader.
ResourceLoaderModuleFinder |
A module loader which loads modules which are stored inside the modules directory of a single JAR or JAR-like
ResourceLoaders |
Static factory methods for various types of resource loaders.
ResourceLoaderSpec |
A specification of a resource loader within a module.
SoftReference<T,A> |
A reapable soft reference with an attachment.
StreamModuleLogger |
A ModuleLogger implementation that logs all output (including trace) to an output or print stream.
StrongReference<T,A> |
A strong reference with an attachment.
Version |
A version for a module.
VersionDetection |
A utility class to assist with detecting the version of a resource root or collection of resource roots.
WeakReference<T,A> |
A reapable weak reference with an attachment.
XmlPullParser |
XML Pull Parser is an interface that defines parsing functionlity provided
in XMLPULL V1 API (visit this website to
learn more about API and its implementations).
XmlPullParserException |
This exception is thrown to signal XML Pull Parser related faults.